
In the PHM Community Room Gallery, Opening June 8th:

Healing Hudson, by Selva Ozelli

Selva Ozelli is an environmentalist who expresses this sentiment as an artist, writer and lawyer.  She is an award winning artist whose paintings have been acknowledged in 19 international art contests and exhibited in over 100 art shows by numerous museums, the United Nations, ministries and NGOs across the world.  She is a member of the Climate Heritage Network, the Gallery Climate Coalition, Art.Earth, Climate Cultures, Global Resilience Partnership and an ambassador to Oceanic Global.  She is the author of Sustainably Investing in Digital Assets Globally published by Wiley.  Her art work has been cataloged by the United Nations, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum and the Berlin University of Art as part of the project titled Climate Summit Art. Art and Political Event, 1972 – 2022.  Her three art shows Reef Dwellers, Orcas & Reefs and Healing Waters are endorsed by UNESCO OCEAN DECADE.